John-Peter S. Ford is a PhD student in Historical Musicology at the University of Florida and Director of Music and Organist at Grace Presbyterian Church. He specialises in Sacred Music in the Habsburg Empire during the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. He completed the critical edition of George W. Chadwick and Robert Ayres Barnet’s comic opera Tabasco (1894).
John-Peter has presented research on Robert Ayres Barnet and George Chadwick’s Tabasco at national and regional conferences. He currently sings with the University of Florida Choirs as he is working on a cognate in choral and instrumental conducting. While at UF he has been active as President of the Student Society for Musicology. He currently serves as a Senator and School of Music Representative for the Graduate Student Union, sits on the Student Council of Representatives for the School of Music, as well as serving as the Reviews Editorial Assistant for the Journal of the American Musicological Society.
John-Peter received his Bachelor’s in Music Education with a concentration in voice from Mississippi State University where he studied voice with Ryan Landis, conducting with Gary Packwood, and theory and composition with James William Sobaskie. He received a Master’s in Musicology at the University of Mississippi under the tutelage of Thomas Peattie, where he received multiple grants and scholarships for his thesis research on Robert A. Barnet and George Chadwick’s Tabasco.
John-Peter is a member of Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia and Phi Kappa Lambda. He currently is the Organist at Grace Presbyterian Church in Gainesville. In his spare time he enjoys playing and listening to show tunes, running, and cycling.
John-Peter S. Ford
John-Peter S. Ford holds a master's in musicology degree from the University of Mississippi and is currently pursuing his PhD in Historical Musicology at the University of Florida.